
How does Menevit (Vitamins and Minerals) work:
Menevit (Vitamins and Minerals) is designed as a supplement for men to help improve their sperm health. The task of fertilizing an egg can be likened to swimming across the Atlantic ocean as a human, so healthy sperm is a very important part of conceiving and having a healthy child. Menevit is formulated increase the chances of conceiving and to improve the general health of the sperm. It works using antitoxidants, like vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium, to help protect the sperm.
Please take note that although Menevit can help improve your sperm's all round health, is not a treatment or a cure for infertility.
Dosage & Administration:
Menevit is designed to be taken once-a-day. For best results take Menevit for 3 months before you and your partner begin trying to conceive. Follow your physician's instructions regarding when and how to stop taking the supplement once a child has been conceived.
Side Effects:
Menecit does not have any recognized side effects, and is generally safe to use. If however you do think you may be suffering a side effect in connection with Menevit, inform your physician promptly.
Always inform your physician of any allergies, any past medical conditions, and of any other medicine or supplements you are taking. Menevit may be dangerous if taken in high doses. Do not exceed 100mcg per day.
Menevit is NOT suitable for children under the age of 16. Do not use Menevit if the packaging seals are broken. Keep Menevit in a dry and cool place away from sunlight.